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rhebuckgrey(Pelea capreolus)

The Rhebok is thought to originate from the early settlers seeing the likeness between this unusual antelope and the roebuck or European roe deer.   The name evolved over time to its present spelling. The Grey Rhebok is a medium sized antelope, grey-brown in color with thick, wooly hair.

His belly and under surface of his tail are white which flags prominently as they make off in their characteristic rocking horse motion. They are accomplished jumpers, able to gracefully clear quite high obstacles. Only the males carry horns, which are upright and pointed, distinguishing them from the Reedbuck. They tend to herd in family groups of up to about 12 animals consisting of a male, females, and young. Solitary males tend to be territorial. The Rhebok tends to graze any time of day with short rest periods, but almost always lays up during the heat of the day. The herd is always alert, and will make a hasty retreat at the least sign of danger. Natural enemies of the Rhebok are the Leopard, Caracal, and for the young, the Jackal, Baboon, and Eagle.

Hunting the Grey Rhebok with Witkop Safaris is accomplished with the same methods applied to most all medium sized antelope. Your favorite whitetail deer rifle is totally adequate, the use of a quality, expanding bullet is usually recommended.   Based on his grazing patterns, early morning and late afternoon can be considered the best time for hunting Rhebok with Witkop Safaris. As with the other medium sized antelope, take aim straight up the foreleg, about one-third into the body, and never above the half way point. This should effect the high heart-lung shot and your Rhebok should not go far.


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